Last Saturday I went on an Artist Date...all by myself. This afternoon I had lunch at Pasta Pomodoro with this wonderful guy. At first we decided to sit indoors. But then I took one look outside and changed my mind. The place was surrounded with arbors of pink Morning Glory vines. And just outside the arbors were rows of grape vines, laden with grapes. The building was surrounded with Spanish style architecture, mountains...and the atmosphere was so serene! The afternoon sun was mild in the shades...and we sat together, enjoying the beautiful day.
He was humming some tunes happily... He wore blue jeans and a gray t-shirt. The waitress was really sweet, and I ordered the most unpronounceable item there. Hey, it was time to be adventurous...what with sitting there with this gorgeous guy and all! LOL! So while I waited for our food to be served, I decided to walk among those rows of grape vines, while he lazed on his chair, humming, and looking at me so sweetly!
Then the food was served. We ate in silence and peace. You know, how you can be comfortably silent with some people? The food was delicious...and I had such a wonderful time, that I wondered, why had I not done this before? So what if I have been married 15 years now? I've had this wonderful new guy in my life from the past 4 years....why did I not go out on a date with him before?
Oh...the reason I went on this date today? Well...I picked him up from his preschool in the afternoon, and he clung to my legs, looked up beseechingly at my face and said, "Mamma, I'm hungry!". ;-)
2 months ago