This piece was made in honor of Andrew Jordan. He IS my friend Connie's son. He ascended to the higher dimensions, but he lives on. Andrew was given the name of "Pure Heart" and he is signified by an Emerald heart. I have felt his leaving the physical plane very deeply, and I have felt his mother's grief and her love for him very deeply. When I feel something so much, I need to give it creative expression. And I also wanted to create something to honor the person...the child who has taught us much. I wanted to honor the love of a mother who wants to give up on life, but still goes on courageously, in her faith in life eternal, and to live up to what her son has taught her.
When I asked Andrew to help me create a piece in his honor which would be special to his mum, he told me that even if he is an Avatar, a great being, a great Master, he is still small enough to be enfolded within his mother's love. He gave me this gold shape to use around the Emerald heart to signify the womb, and the highest love. Gold is the color of LOVE from the highest, so I used gold-filled wire to cradle the heart. The heart is made of 50.4 carats genuine opaque Emerald. The gold weave is Connie's love for her son, and the Emerald heart is Glan Croi - Pure Heart.